miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011


Es historia conocida, ya que en varias entrevistas o en algún programa televisivo hemos tenido en cuenta lo que contaba Doug Clifford:

"Yo estaba viviendo en Lake Tahoe, Stu vivía en Los Ángeles. Lo convencí para que dejara la ciudad y viniera a las montañas donde el aire es fresco y puro".

Agregaba incluso que a comienzos de 1995 estaban con la idea de volver a tocar las canciones de la vieja banda, canciones que no tocaban hacía mas de 25 años.

Al principio intentaron convencer al propio John Fogerty para formar parte del proyecto, encontrando en el cantante sendas respuestas negativas. En éste momento JCF estaba en proceso de grabación de su álbum "Blue Moon Swamp" que se editaría 2 años mas tarde.

Es mas, John Fogerty les inició una demanda a sus ex compañeros y a la viuda de su hermano por el uso ilegal del nombre de la banda, ya que en principio tanto Clifford como Cook querían llamarse CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL.

Mientras tanto convocaron un seleccionado de músicos entre los cuales estaba Elliot Easton, ex guitarrista del grupo new wave THE CARS, Steve Gunner en instrumentos varios, y el cantante John Tristao (ex People) que tenía la muy difícil tarea de ocupar el lugar de John Fogerty.

La banda realiza sus primeros concierto llamandosé CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL, pero ante la demanda de John Fogerty, cambian el nombre a "COSMO'S FACTORY".

Finalmente un jurado los autoriza a usar el nombre CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL, al que ya destitieron Clifford y Cook y deciden llamarse CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVISITED.

En noviembre de 1997 la banda es grabada en vivo en Alberta, Canadá y ese show será el resultado de RECOLLECTION, primer y único disco de la banda.

Tiempo mas tarde la banda sufriría varios cambios, al abandonar la banda Elliot Easton, primero siendo reemplazado por Tal Morris, que tocaría en la banda hasta el 2008. Luego volvería nuevamente Easton, con quien volverían a Buenos Aires para tocar en el Luna Park en noviembre de 2010.

Ántes, en el 2009 la banda grabaría un cover de Chuck Berry "Run Rudolph Run" para un disco benéfico llamado JDRF HOPE FOR the HOLIDAYS, en el cual participan otras bandas famosas.

A fines del 2010 Easton vuelve a alejarse de la banda y actualmente ocupa el lugar de primera guitarra Kurt Griffey.


History is known, since various interviews or in any television program we have taken account of what had Doug Clifford: "I was living in Lake Tahoe, Stu lived in Los Angeles. I have convinced him to leave the city and come to the mountains where the air is pure and fresh".

Added even that at the beginning of 1995 were with the idea of playing the songs of the old band, songs that did not touch more than 25 years.

At the beginning they tried to convince the own John Fogerty to form part of the project, finding in the singer paths negative answers. At this time JCF was in the process of recording your album "Blue Moon Swamp" to be edited 2 years later.

What is more, John Fogerty they launched a lawsuit to their former colleagues and the widow of his brother by the illegal use of the name of the band, since in principle both Clifford as Cook wanted to be called LEGENDARY CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL.

In the meantime convened a selected of musicians among which was Elliot Easton, former guitarist of the group nueva ola los coches, Steve Gunner in several instruments and singer John tristao (former personas) that had the very difficult task to take its rightful place of John Fogerty. The band performed their first concert as the LEGENDARY CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL, but before the demand for John Fogerty, change the name to "COSMO'S FACTORY".

Finally a jury authorizes it to use the name LEGENDARY CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL, which has already destitieron Clifford and Cook and decide be called LEGENDARY CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL REVISITED.

In November 1997 the band is recorded live in Alberta, Canada and the show will be the result of RECOLLECTION, the first and only disc of the band. Time later, the band would suffer several changes, on leaving the band Elliot Easton, first being replaced by such Morris, who lands in the band until 2008.

Then i would definitely stay again Easton, with whom they would come back to Buenos Aires to play at the Luna Park in November 2010. Before departure, in 2009 the band would be videotaped a cover of Chuck Berry "Run Rudolph Run" for a charity drive called JDRF HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS, which involved other bands famous.

At the end of the 2010 Easton moving away again from the band and currently occupies the place of the first guitar Kurt griffey.

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